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The cheapest private jet is small but mighty. Cirrus Vision Jet is available at $1.96 million. The vision jet has a capability to cruise at 345mph at a maximum altitude of 28,000 feet.

How much does it cost a private jet?

The cost of private jet depends on its flying time. Minimum cost of private jet is $14 per minute. The same amount will be added against every minute.

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Embraer legacy 450 is one of the best private jets to buy. You can get a wider choice from our fleet of private jets.

Yes, private jets fly faster than commercial. They are efficient, flexible and safe that’s why business people choose only private jets for traveling.

The Boeing Business Jet is one of the cheapest plane to buy which can promise you the best experiences.

Robinson R-44 raven 1 is the cheapest helicopter to buy.

Safety is one of the feature of private jets. They are safer than other commercial plans as they are private.

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is the most expensive fighter jet with a price tag of $150 million.

Cessna Citation X is the fastest private jet, with a speed of 711 miles per hour.

Charter Flights are those flights that can be booked easily and people can travel with more flexible terms.

Charter flight is comparatively more comfortable, flexible and faster than commercial flights. Generally, charter flights have their own small airports to land on.

The cost of charter flights depend on the flight you are booking. You can charter a flight according to your pocket.

The transporting of people or cargo under a contract by any means is known as charter service.

Charter plane is the rented plane. You Charter the whole plane not a single seat of an individual plane.

Chartered flight is a flight by an aircraft chartered for a specific journey. Its not a part of an airline’s regular schedule.

The cost of charter Plane depends on the distance it covers. The set amount is added after the standard distance is covered.

It cost different for individuals, group, corporate and for big companies.

The rent of helicopter is according to the helicopter you choose and the rates are different for group, individuals, etc.

Helicopter can cover 350 to 400 km in an hour. Longest distance is also limited by the capacity of fuel in helicopters.

The cost of helicopter fuel is $7.00 per gallon.

The average cost of an air ambulance is $47.

Air ambulances are used at the time of emergencies. When the patients need to reach the hospital in a hurry, air ambulances come in action.

The speed of an air ambulance is 515 kilometers per hour.

Yes, air ambulances are fully equipped with the medical essentials. The latest technologies are provided in the air ambulance.

Yes, air ambulance is covered by insurance.

The cost of air ambulance flight starts from $14 per min. The cost of air ambulance helicopter starts from $26.69 per min. The cost of air ambulance jet starts from $47 per min.

The cost of ambulance depends on the means you choose. The different cost is charged for flights, helicopters and jets.

The average cost of a medevac is between $12000 and $25000.

The minimum cost of an air ambulance flight is $17 per minute. The same amount will added to the principle amount as per the distance.

The cost of a life flight starts from $14 per minute.

The cost of medical helicopter starts from $26.69 per minute.

Life flight is a medical flight to provide critical care transportation to ill or injured patients in a safe and efficient manner.

The roughly amount a medical helicopter pilot make is $73000.

The most expensive helicopter is the Airbus H225 Super Puma with a tag price of $27 million.

The body will be embalmed and packed in a coffin, ensuring its safety. The documents related to it should be cleared. Then only the dead body is ready to be transferred from our plane.

If all the essential documents are cleared and checked, then the cost of shipping a dead body will not be that much high. It is pocket friendly.

The art of preserving the body of the deceased is known as embalming process. It is done for the sanitation purpose. The body is washed and then the blood is removed from the body and chemicals take the place of blood. The organs are also punctured and drained of gas and fluid contents. The whole thing comes under embalming process.

Yes, we can carry ashes on a plane in India but with the required permissions from the authorities.

The dead body can be transferred in India with a cost ranging from $1000 to $5000.

The cost of exhuming a dead body may cost $3000 to $5000.

It can take 10-15 days to repatriate a body due to legal formalities.

The owner of the biggest and most expensive private jet, Airbus 380 of $500 million is Alwaleed bin Talalal-Saud, Saudi Prince.